
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

The Man in the Mirror

I Samuel 16:7b: “For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 

We recently purchased a home and are beginning a big remodeling project next week. New flooring, countertops, window coverings, faucets, appliances, painting, adding cabinetry, landscaping—even moving a wall—the list goes on and on.

Only one of these improvements has to do with functionality. The rest are 100% cosmetic.

We have renovated quite a few homes over the years. (We have moved so many times that our friends only pencil in our new addresses!) We love the physical changes we make and feel good, when we move on to our next project, having left a property “better than we found it.”

Like most people, we also make changes to our physical appearances: haircuts/highlighting, makeup, new eyeglass frames, exercises, dieting, updated clothing. Again, these are cosmetic changes, focusing on the outward appearance.

None of these are wrong. In fact, I’m grateful for every bit of help I can get! But, these things shouldn’t be the overriding focus of our attention.

The Bible says that God places His attention on what is in our hearts. So, it follows that this should also be our primary focus, too.

When we look at our hearts with God’s mirror, the Bible, what do we see? Someone that is filled with the Holy Spirit? Someone that is producing the fruits of the Spirit? (Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control.)

If not, a remodeling project may be just what is needed. Starting with prayer and scripture, we can make our hearts available to The Holy Spirit to do His work in our lives. Not cosmetic work that has no substance and is of no true lasting value. But, instead, allowing His power to work within us to “…to will and to do for His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13b)

He is pleased when we walk according to His ways, when we think of others before ourselves, when we follow His will for our lives. He helps us put things into “eternal perspective” when we focus on what’s inside.


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A Diet Worth Sticking To

Colossians 3:16a-  “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…”

How many times are we told to eat foods that are good for our bodies? Lean meats, vegetables, fruits, whole grains… When given the choice, do we often grab a handful of chips or a couple of chocolate chip cookies, instead?

Sometimes, it takes a lab report or a visit to the doctor to set us straight, again, and help motivate us into making healthier choices. And, when we do, we have to admit that we feel better and have more energy.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with reading a good mystery novel now and then, we are reminded that we need to be on a regular diet of good spiritual food.

We are able to grow in our walk with the Lord through daily reading of the scriptures and application of the principles from God’s Word.

And, look at that word, “richly”. Spiritual food isn’t diet food, where we don’t feel satisfied after we eat it and we remain hungry. No, spiritual food nourishes us. It has substance; it’s satisfying to our souls.

As with healthy eating, spiritual food gives us the energy to face whatever the day may bring. We won’t falter or feel depleted by day’s end, but rather we will find ourselves energized and encouraged as our day unfolds.

Keeping a New Testament or small Bible with you at work or in the glove compartment of your car or in your purse or briefcase will also make it possible for you to get a spiritually-healthy “snack” in the middle of the afternoon. Use what you read to help a struggling friend or even share with a stranger.

So, get yourself on a spiritual diet of truths from God’s Word. Use them to guide you, and grow you in your faith.

Let God’s Word dwell in you richly.



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Your Face, His Smile

John 14:9– “Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?”

Hearing songs like, “My Father’s Eyes” and “Let Me Be Like You”, remind me that the songwriters were inspired by the desire to see the lost from the perspective of God. They desired to walk as Jesus walked and treat others as Jesus did.

I’m sure you have heard the phrase “Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus”…fulfill the great commission. If one sees a sister or a brother in need, help them as Jesus would. This is the impetus for many humanitarians who offer medical and financial help to those suffering from disease and poverty around the world.

As I read from John 14, yesterday, I was impacted by the part of the verse that I have bolded (above). Yes, the verse is referring to Jesus, specifically. It was given in reply to Phillip’s request, “Show us the Father.” Jesus said that since Phillip had seen Him, he had already seen the Father, because they are one.

But, when I read the verse, I saw another meaning for me. A message beyond the obvious. Such a simple message that I have missed it for decades. And, the message is this: As I live out my life, I am to do so in such a way that others see Christ living in me.  That my speech and actions should reflect those of my Heavenly Father.

From that perspective, what a privilege it is for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus, as His representatives, here on earth…to do the work he has left us to do. To spread love, mercy, and kindness wherever we go.

Have you ever met someone who just “glows” with the radiance of Christ’s love? I ‘d like to be that someone. How about you?

With the power of the Holy Spirit working within us, we can be. As we let Him control our lives and actions, we will be.

We know it is goes deeper than a beautiful smile. It is the outward radiance of our inward relationship with the Father. The desire to live our lives as a reflection of the Father must be kindled by the fact that we want to live in such a way that others recognize the Father’s presence when they are around us.

As ambassador’s for Christ wherever we go, we can show the love of Christ by actions that are worthy of calling ourselves Christians…Christ followers…earthy representatives of our Heavenly Father.

There’s someone out there who needs us to be more than just another pretty face. It may be that they need a helping hand or a word of encouragement. Maybe they need to hear the gospel. Whatever it is, when our paths cross this week—or this month—let’s make sure that when they see us, they see The Father. 




Follow The Leader

Deuteronomy 13:4- “It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.”

Enjoying a morning cup of coffee on my patio under the shadow of the Superstition Mountains, a sudden movement caught my eye. I blinked and looked, again. A family of quail, complete with seven baby chicks, was making its way across our driveway!

For all of the beauty of the desert (including those majestic mountains) the one thing I enjoy most is watching these sweet baby birds, all of two inches tall, following after their parents in the early mornings and late afternoons each spring. Innocent and helpless, the chicks need the guidance of their parents on their first outings across the desert floor. Predators, such as coyotes, snakes, and javelina make it necessary that they follow closely behind, in order to survive in this harsh environment.

As I watch them, I am reminded that I need to follow my Heavenly Father’s guidance, also. How should I react to the man who yells obscenities at me when I pull into the parking space that he had wanted? How will I be able to deal effectively with feelings of loneliness when my husband is working out of town? How can I tell a friend the hard truth, in a kind and loving manner?

God’s Word gives me assurance, direction, and peace. I have nothing to fear as I navigate through my day.

He knows the way.

All I have to do is follow.


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