
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

The Torn Veil




John 14:6- Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


With movie theaters closed, many of us are watching movies at home on our televisions. Some are new releases. Some are old classics.

One such well-known movie is The Godfather.

The screenwriter used a number of ways to build the character’s (Vito Corleone, the crime boss and head of the “family”) importance.

One of them was to show that Vito was inaccessible but to only a few select people. Those who wanted to talk with him,  had to go through an enforcer, first—each and every time.

I thought about this as I read my morning devotional and spent time in prayer with God.

Amazing as it is, The God of the universe is totally accessible to Christians.

There is no title we must have. No secret knock. No certain time of day that He is to be approached.

When Jesus died on the cross, the veil of the Temple was torn. Access to the Holy of Holies was given to believers.

We don’t need to go through an intercessor, or enforcer. We can talk with Him anytime we’d like. 

Because once we come to the Father through Jesus Christ, His forgiveness of our sins makes a relationship with Him possible.


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Are You a Sheep Without a Shepherd?


Numbers 27:17b- “… the Lord’s people will not be like sheep without a shepherd.”


A few weeks ago, at a neighborhood Bible Study, we talked about our Lord, as the Good Shepherd.

Last week, my sister gave me a short book about the Twenty-Third Psalm.

Yesterday, I hung a print on my office wall, depicting Jesus carrying a lamb on His shoulders.

“God,” I said, “are you trying to tell me something?”

Isn’t that the course things often take?

The first time something happens:  Hmm.

The second time: Wow!

The third occurrence: “Okay, God. You’ve got my attention.”

So, I asked what God wanted me to learn about sheep.

Did I have something in common with them that He wanted me to see?

They have poor eyesight and are timid, fearful creatures. They need a shepherd to lead them.

I was beginning to get fearful of losing my parents while unable to spend time with them in the nursing home.

His message to me?

“I am the Good Shepherd. Let me lead you, as my sheep. Don’t be concerned with what is going on around you. My eyesight is perfect. I see what lies ahead. Keep following me and I will get you through.”

Have you become fearful of what life holds for you during these uncertain times?

Together, let’s follow the Good Shepherd.


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If We Only Ask



I Timothy 2:8- “Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.”


With a deep sigh, I turn off the television and head down the dark hall to the bedroom. I drop into my comfortable reading chair, place my elbows on my knees, and rest my head in my hands.

“Lord, so many people are hungry and out of work. So many are protesting…rioting…looting. Violence is all around. And, then there’s the virus. Thousands are ill… dying. What do you want to happen? What do you want Christians to do?”


“Sure. Okay. But—”


I pick up my Bible and turn to I Timothy.

There it is, confirmed by the scriptures. 

God doesn’t want us to be angry or get frustrated or depressed.

He simply wants us to do the obvious…

What he has taught us to do.

He will take care of us… the world…

He will show His might and power.

If we only but ask.

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Can the Coronavirus Be a Blessing?




Colossians 4:3- “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.”


Can the coronavirus be a blessing?

Stop and think about it. Is this such an outrageous idea?

It came from two sources, just yesterday.

First, my grandson had hernia surgery. Then, a dear friend had surgery for a broken elbow.

Due to the coronavirus, only one family member (or none, in some cases) is allowed in the hospital waiting room when another family member is having surgery. This makes for a lonely, stressful experience for everyone involved.

My daughter sat in the waiting room nearby a woman whose infant daughter was also in surgery. The child, unfortunately, didn’t make it. But, what a wonderful opportunity for my daughter to offer genuine caring and support…to pray…to talk about the Lord.

My friend with the broken elbow was able to talk to several people, patients and hospital personnel alike, during her three-day hospital stay. She provided Christian tracts from the always well-stocked supply in her purse. These people were eager for the support and caring of a fellow patient. 

Even in these times of chaos and uncertainty, God opens many doors for the gospel to be shared with others. All we need to do is proclaim it to a world that is open to receiving The Word as never before.

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