
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

Enjoy the Bounty

John 4:36- “Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.”


My sister and her husband plant a garden every spring. This requires a lot of work—especially in the hot Arizona sun. However, they reap the rewards of fresh vegetables for many weeks.

I have a friend whose parents are farmers. They have many acres devoted to corn. Even though family members have other jobs outside of farming, each one also helps with some aspect of the endeavor.

Each of them has distinctly different responsibilities. 

Some plant. Some harvest. All enjoy the bounty.

It is the same principle in God’s kingdom. The one who plants and the one who harvests are not necessarily the same person(s).

One sows the word in the heart of an unbeliever, another may nurture that person and lead him along, and someone totally different may be the one who leads him in the confession of faith, bringing him to salvation in Christ.

And all rejoice with gladness—along with heaven’s angels—when a new soul comes into the kingdom. 

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A Commandment With A Huge Blessing



Deuteronomy 5:16– “Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”


I sighed as I waited for Dad to put in his hearing aids and Mom to retrieve her purse. Looking up at the clock, I realized we would likely be late for their doctor’s appointments. I asked my sister get our parents up to the front of their care center while I pulled the car around the building so we could load them—and Mom’s wheelchair— inside with easy access.

If you assist with the care of aging parents, you know very well the time and patience—not to mention commitment—it takes to keep going back day after day.  

It also takes a lot of love. And, for most of us, it is because of love that we persevere.

The Bible tells us to honor our father and mother. Growing up, honoring may have meant showing respect and obedience. Later on, it might have meant remembering to visit, observing holidays, birthdays, etc.

But as they have grown older, our parents may need “honoring” of a different sort. It may require running errands, assistance with household chores, helping with bills, and even physical care.  

I am fortunate to have a brother and two sisters to help do all that is necessary for our aging parents. In their nineties, this requires a lot of time—even if it only means sitting down with them to look—over and over again—at old family photos or listen to stories of times-gone-by.

If you are in similar circumstances, I want to encourage you from God’s Word, today. 

Even though you may grow weary, you will be blessed beyond measure. You still have your loved one(s) with you. You can still do things together that create beautiful memories you will treasure when they are no longer physically here.

As you follow God’s commandment to honor your parents, you will be a blessing to them, and you will be blessed by God for your obedience, in return. 

As your own children observe your actions toward your mother and father, they learn a powerful lesson from God’s Word. They will be there for you, when the time comes.

I pray that The Holy Spirit will guide you, give you patience, and bless you with peace and wonderful memories.

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Matthew 26:28- “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”


We experienced a huge Monsoon storm in the middle of last week. It began with a gentle breeze blowing as I left my Bible Study group at 8:00 p.m. About ten minutes down the road, it began to rain. It was a full-fledged storm by the time I neared home.

I entered my neighborhood to find that the power had gone out. That meant I had to run from my driveway around the house to the front door, since my non-working electric opener prevented me from pulling into the dry garage.

My umbrella bent in the strong wind, so that by the time I got the door to the house open I was drenched. My hair, cut and styled earlier that day, was sopping wet. My shoes and legs were muddy. My hallway, littered with grass and twigs.

I was a total mess. The face that had looked passable enough to me to take a “selfie” a few hours before, now needed a good scrubbing.

Power was finally restored around 2 a.m.

Have you ever felt wonderfully clean inside after you partake of communion at church? After you spend time in quiet reflection, confession of sins, and then experience the feeling of being totally forgiven? And, for those few moments following, as you listen intently to the sermon, feeling so much closer to God…without that load of sin between you and Him?

Then, before you know it, your mind wanders and you think a sinful thought? Or, you get all the way to the car before making an unkind remark to your spouse?

You suddenly find yourself in that sin-confession cycle once again…in need of cleansing…going before the throne and asking for forgiveness…wanting to be in right relationship with the Heavenly Father…knowing that although you mean well, you are human and will mess up many more times? 

The good thing is that He is willing to forgive and restore us each time we come to Him with a humble and contrite heart. We don’t have to wait for communion Sunday or until 2:00 a.m. 

We have access to the Father—and his cleansing grace—twenty-four seven!

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The Great “I AM”



Exodus 3:14- “And God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shall you say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.”


A friend was relating his son’s experience taking “Spanish” instruction last semester. He said the difficulty was with conjugating verb tenses.

I remember taking Spanish in high school, myself, and doing drills on verb tenses: I was. I am. I will be…and so on—words denoting past, present, and future states.

God refers to himself the I AM. Tenses don’t apply to Him since He has always existed, He exists now, and He always will. 

He has no beginning and no end.

He will always be there for you.

He’s unchanging. He’s 100% committed to you. 

You’ve no need to wonder, worry, or fret.

You can count on the one who loved you before you even came into being—the one who will love you throughout all eternity…


He is The Great I AM. 


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