
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

Thanks for Everything

I Thessalonians 5:18- “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Both Cheryl and her husband Marty had health challenges all year long. Added to that, their daughter unexpectedly announced that she and her husband of five years had decided to divorce.

On the way to the supermarket to get the last minute fixings for New Year’s Day Dinner, their car was hit by a red light runner. Cheryl and Marty were not injured, but their car was totaled.

And it was New Year’s Eve!

Joey, the tow truck driver, gave them a lift home and a reminder from I Thessalonians. He told them to rejoice in Christ. No, not rejoice that they’d been in a car wreck. He pointed out that the verse says in; not for. 

“In means in the midst of or amid. So, the verse means that even while we may have problems or difficulties, we still can rejoice that we have Jesus. We have His love. We have His care. We have salvation because of His sacrifice. We have His promise.” 

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Anxiety or Peace?

Philippians 4:5-7- “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

A girls’ lunch get-together is usually filled with laughter and lots of chatter. However, a few months ago, it was anything but.

Claire, the hostess for that month, told the group of four that she was again facing cancer, having been in remission for almost three years.

Sally confided that her husband was having an affair with someone at work.

Beth’s daughter had experienced a miscarriage and Ellen had to put down Charlie, her faithful Cocker Spaniel.

So many sad stories. So many reasons to be downhearted and fearful of the future.

But instead, Sally pulled out a recent Bible Study and read the scripture from Philippians to the women at the table. Then, she led her friends in prayer. That was followed by an opportunity for each woman to share a reason to praise God.

By the time Claire served lunch, there was a smile on each face and hope in each heart.

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Point the Way

Matthew 7:14- “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Just last week, I heard another horrific story about young people who were trapped inside a venue that somehow caught on fire. In the past, I remember people being trampled when trying to escape from a gunman at a sporting event.

In each of these cases, patrons became disoriented or were pushed along by the throng and couldn’t find their way to the exit. In some cases, the exits weren’t clearly marked. In others, they proved to be much too narrow for the large crowd to get through safely and quickly.

I immediately thought of the scripture in Matthew 7. Each time I read it, I think how said it is that people failed to take the narrow road to safety and eternal life. My prayer is that today we would gently point others toward the way Home.

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Just the Three of Us

Matthew 18:20- “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

My friend, Coco, and I were disappointed that the other two ladies in our home Bible study were unable to attend our weekly meeting. However, we decided to go to our neighborhood park just to visit and pray.

Coco asked my counsel about raising her son as a single mother and we prayed together for several minutes. Coco’s prayer was heartfelt and I as I looked up after the final “amen” I  expected to see tears in her eyes. However, I found my friend’s face to be radiant.

“God has been here with us,” she said. “I felt his presence as we talked and prayed.”

As I walked home, I thought about the wonderful time of fellowship that we’d had that day—just the three of us.

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