
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

The Meanings of 666 and 777

Revelation 13:16-18. “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”

Recently, someone asked me the significance of the numbers 666 and 777.

If you’ve ever wondered about these, keep reading.

The number 666, commonly known as the Mark of the Beast, serves as a warning about the consequences of rejecting God and following a path of sin and rebellion.

It is a reference to the end times (and many Bible scholars believe we are now living in that period of time) and the coming of the Antichrist who will lead a rebellion against God before the final judgment. He will require all people to take his mark. Those who don’t will not be able to buy or sell goods, among other things. 

Remember, 666 is man-centered… God-denying. It means  “never God, never God, never God,” whereas 777 is the divine number of God.

Triple sevens in scripture show something that has been divinely ordained is being perfectly fulfilled.

The number 7 has been significant throughout the Bible: God rested on the 7th day; the apostle John describes seven churches and seven spirits before God’s throne in Revelation 1:4; 777 is the number of the perfect Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the number emphasizes the importance of God’s work being completed perfectly in our world.

The message? Refuse the mark and stand up for God. Heaven is your reward.

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Worth the Wait

Hebrews 6:15- “And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”

Have you ever prayed fervently for something and—as yet—not have it come to pass?

Jen prayed that the “right” man would come along. For years, she prayed. But nothing happened.

Fast forward twenty-five years.

Jen connected with a nice man at her high school class reunion. They dated for awhile, but he ended up marrying someone else.

Ten more years went by.

Now retired, Jen became a volunteer at the county library where she met Hank. A nice guy. Funny and caring. Everything she’d hoped for—and more.

They married January 4, 2024.

When asked if he was worth waiting for, she answered an enthusiastic, yes!

God had answered both of their prayers—as he had been praying, too!!!

Like Abraham, Joseph, David, and Simeon, we find that waiting on God’s answers to prayer requires patience and faith. These men of the Bible persevered and trusted in God’s perfect timing even though they didn’t understand the wait.

The Lord’s plans for our lives are good. Patient waiting refines our character and glorifies God.

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The Most Excellent Way

John 8:12- “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

When I get up in the middle of the night, I often trail my hands along the wall so I won’t wake up anyone by turning on the light. However, I have been known to stub my toe or bang my elbow because I cannot see clearly.

Light can refer to seeing with one’s eyes. However, light can also refer to understanding something or someone. 

Jesus promises us that He will be our light, leading us perfectly in every situation—if we will only follow Him. He will show us the “most excellent way.”

I remember a song I dearly loved to sing as a teenager, “The Light of the World is Jesus… come to the light, ’tis shining for thee… “

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Don’t Worry; Be Happy!

Luke 12:25- “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”

There are lots of reasons to worry. I’m sure you could make a list of at least a dozen things in your life—or of your family’s or friends’ lives—that would be legitimate causes for worry. However, as Christians, we understand that worrying about something doesn’t solve the problem.

We also know that prayer changes things.

And, I also know that what we usually worry about is not real. It’s how we choose to see things.

We need to change how we see them (our attitudes) and turn those mountains into molehills (as my grandmother used to say).

Remember these sayings?

Let go; and let God.

Look on the bright side.

Walk on the sunny side of the street.

Let a smile be your umbrella.

Don’t worry; be happy!

Let’s put our worries at God’s feet in prayer. And, with praise and Thanksgiving for all He has given us, let’s allow His peace and power to work in our lives.

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