
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

When There Are No Words



Romans 8:26- “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”


I am a writer—at least that’s what I like to call myself.

Some stories come easy, but others take a lot of research and editing.

There are times when I find it difficult to find the exact words I am looking for.

At times when I am sad, or when something has occurred and I am so emotionally distraught that I cannot begin to express the extent of my anguish, I can ask the Holy Spirit to take over for me…to express to God such deep feelings that I find impossible to do on my own.

The Holy Spirit knows how to speak to the very heart of God. And, when he does, I experience God’s peace.


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Keeping an Eye On My Father



Psalm 116:8- “For you, Lord, have delivered me from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling,”


A family of four headed east to pay Grandma and Grandpa a customary visit the second week of June in 2014.

They had made the familiar trek once each summer for the previous ten years.

There was a map in the glove compartment, but the father (and primary driver) was sure he wouldn’t need it. After all, Jason had made the drive many times before.

Along about dusk, a doe and her fawn grazing by the side of the interstate, caught Jason’s attention. For a split second, he took his eyes off the road.

“Daddy!” His middle child screamed.

Jason saw the semi just in time, returning his car to his side of the road and avoiding certain death.

Through the years, I have found that when I take my eyes off of my spiritual father, I often experience difficulties in decision making, interpersonal relationships, and reaching goals (just to name a few). It’s when I refocus, get back in a close relationship with Him, that I find myself once again on the path he intended for me.

And, just like Jason, I’m back on the right side of the road.


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Plug In


Isaiah 40:29-“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”


After we moved, I couldn’t find the cord to my keyboard. I looked everywhere I could think of.

No cord meant no sound, no music.

Without plugging into the electricity in our home, the keyboard couldn’t perform as it was intended. The cord was essential.

I cannot display the fruit of the spirit, I cannot dispense grace in my dealings with family and friends if I don’t stay connected to God. I depend on Him for strength to do the right things when I am weak.

When I am not “plugged in” through scripture and prayer, my Christian life is devoid of the power I need to face different situations when they arise.

I am weak; often weary.

He promises to let me tap into His power when I need Him.

And, when I do, I function just as He intended.

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What’s Happening Backstage?



Act 14:17- “Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.”


Have you ever attended a live play or a musical and wondered, as I have, just how everything gets coordinated “back stage”?

I mean, costumes, make-up, hairstyles, props, background scenery, lighting, musical scores, and so much more.

How do they do it?

There are hundreds of people—paid and volunteers—that work weeks ahead of time on scenery, costumes, and schedules.

Things like scene and costume changes are gone over and over just as vigorously as the actors rehearse their lines.

Each performance has a scene and prop crew, light board operator, electric run crew, sound board operator, wardrobe crews, design assistant and stage manager (just to name a few).

All of these people must do their jobs, perfectly, so that performances go forward without a hitch.

Ever wonder who keeps our world going?

The Bible tells us God is capable of simultaneously listening to and answering prayer, controlling the seasons and the weather, dispensing things like discipline, grace, and mercy.

He controls gravity and the tides. He keeps our planet and our solar system in perfect balance. He creates new life.

Gives the term “backstage crew” new meaning, doesn’t it?

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