
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

A Tribute To My Father

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Dad wasn’t an officer. He was a lowly Navy seaman.

He didn’t earn a purple heart or any special commendations.

He was a young, nineteen year old kid that loved his country. He was proud to serve…proud of his fellow servicemen.

Dad didn’t do anything memorable, but he gave 100% every single day.

He still has a picture of his ship, the USS Stickle, hanging in his home. If asked about it, he enthusiastically relates story after story.

His parents had been proud of him. My mother was proud of him.

So am I. 

This gentle man went on to give 100% to his job at Allied Signal.

He also gave 100% to his family.

He’s slowing down, now. He and Mom live in Assisted Living. 

We all have a lot of great memories because men like my Dad gave their all.


Christ was—and still is—his example.

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Happily Ever After




Romans 6:23- “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Although I always enjoy the process of beginning to write a new book, there is nothing more satisfying than the moment I type, “THE END.”

After months of writing, weeks of editing, cover selection, formatting—everything that is involved in producing a book—when it all finally comes together, it is a joy—and a relief!

Actually, we don’t type the words “THE END” anymore, but I remember the “olden” days when books and movies did bear those very words.

I also remember a variation in which the words “HAPPILY EVER AFTER” were just as prevalent—especially in children’s books.

I even recall Porky Pig stuttering at the end of his cartoons, “THAT’S ALL, FOLKS!”

But, in the real world, there is no “END.”

Many people think that death is the final goodbye. However, the Bible teaches that humans beings have eternal souls. It even says that it is totally up to each of us where we would like to spend eternity.

Putting our faith in Jesus Christ as our savior assures us that we can spend eternity in heaven, rather than hell. According to God’s Holy Word, those are our only two options.

If you have made the choice for Jesus, then I rejoice with you!

If not, I urge you to get a Bible and open to the book of John. Begin reading there. 

You will no doubt have questions, so please seek out a Christian friend or pastor. They will be able to lead you to faith in Christ. 

Recognizing that we are all sinners, each of us need to put our faith in Jesus Christ for forgiveness. His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead gives us the assurance of an eternity in heaven with Him and other believers.

Your final breath here on earth—will be swallowed up in victory!

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More Priceless Than Rubies



Proverbs 31:10– “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is above rubies.”

Rubies are exceptionally durable, second only to diamonds in hardness. They are one of the few gems whose color reaches vivid saturation levels.

Rubies come in all varieties of red, from pinkish, purplish, orangey, brownish, to dark red. The color can often help identify the stone’s geographic origin. Stones from Myanmar generally command the highest prices, followed by those from Sri Lanka and Nepal.

Fine quality rubies are some of the most expensive gems, with record prices over $100,000 per caret.

I’m not sure what the average woman weighs, if we convert pounds to carets, but God says a virtuous woman is worth more than that. 

I count myself fortunate to have had a truly virtuous mother. I hope you, also, have experienced the joy of growing up in a Christian home, raised by a mother who always put God and her family above herself. 

I think back to many instances of total unselfishness on her part. Her moral standards were impeccable and her motives beyond reproach.  

My mother is a jewel and our family is fortunate to still have her with us.

As we honor our mothers this Mother’s Day, let’s be mindful of just how precious a mother of noble character can be. Her value to her family is beyond measure.

More priceless than rubies.

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Checking for Messages…



Romans 10:17– “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”


I used to be really bad about checking my phone for text messages and voice mails.

Then, there came a time when I missed something really important. From that point on, I made a conscious effort to form the habit of checking for messages throughout the day.  

When I awoke this morning, the first thing I did was check my phone for messages. 

Later, I swept the patio.

Back inside, I checked my phone for messages.

Following my shower, I checked my phone for messages.

When I finished vacuuming—you guessed it—I checked my phone for messages.

It’s a habit, to be sure. But, it’s a habit built on the need to be informedconnected—kept “in the loop.

The Bible contains countless messages for each of us. 

When I realized that I wanted to know what God had for me each day, it became easier and easier to form the habit of reading it daily. Over my morning cup of coffee, I stay connected to God through His Word.

Have you checked your messages?

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