
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

A Life Prolonged



Deuteronomy 5:33– “You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days (in the land which you shall possess.”)

My mother recently celebrated her 91st birthday at a family dinner. As we were eating dessert, I asked her a question that I often hear asked on the morning news show when they interview a person celebrating a milestone birthday.

I said, “Mom, I’ve heard people say that they owe their long life to such things as drinking a beer a day, eating a raw egg, walking a mile…and so on. Why do you think you have lived such a long life?”

“Well, I try to live each day for the Lord. I don’t know for sure, but maybe that’s why.”

Over her many years, Mom has chosen actions that are pleasing to God. Whether this has resulted in God granting her a long life, I do not know, but there are instances in the Bible where that seems to be so.

Such is the case in Deuteronomy. God gives Moses a message to pass on to the Children of Israel.

He said that a life lived well—following His commands—would result in a prolonged life!


I researched meanings for “prolonged.” Surprisingly, the word doesn’t only mean “to make longer.” It can also mean “to make larger…fuller.

Perhaps that is what God was telling Moses. If so, that is His message for us, today.

We may not live longer, but if we live each day for the Lord, our life will be richer and fuller.  


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What Should We Do?



2 Timothy 3:16- “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”


Magazine, books—even television shows—give consumers a lot of free advice nowadays.

Consider these titles:

Eat This, Not That!

Wear This, Not That!

Do This, Not That!

Say This, Not That!

Whether it is advice on eating healthy or using correct grammar, you may find that you agree, or disagree, with the author or television host by determining the outcome yourself. In other words, you look in the mirror to see if, indeed, horizontal stripes make you look overweight, or if eating a certain fruit makes your hair shine, and so on.

But, what about actions that are more serious? For example, those of a moral or spiritual nature? How is one to determine if advice given in a magazine—even a Christian magazine—is “right?”

The BIBLE declares that it is the standard Christians should use. If the advice we get  from our contemporaries aligns with scripture, we can be confidant in following it.

If not, we must defer to that which is wise and most excellent—the Truth in God’s Word.

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The “Christian Game”




John 14:6- “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


When I visit my parents at their assisted living apartment, they often suggest playing “the game.” (Actually, there are two games they like and we alternate playing them.) It’s a great ending to what sometimes is a stressful day filled with personal care, doctor visits, and organizational issues.

Playing games is fun. People connect, laugh, and relate to each other in an atmosphere that is usually non-threatening.

But, there is a game—a very serious one—that people sometimes play. It is very misleading to others, but can also be just as deceptive to the player, himself.

It’s the “Christian” game.

Let’s say a guy (we’ll call him Sam) accepts someone’s invitation to church. He’s comfortable there. He gets to know people. He joins in activities, sings the songs, listens to the sermons.

He looks—and acts—the part of a Christian.

He tells himself that he is a Christian because he does all these “Christian” things. And, others may see him as a Christian, too, not realizing that he has not yet made the most important decision of his life. 

In order for Sam to become a Christian, he needs to recognize that Jesus died on the cross for his sins, repent and place his faith in Him. He must depend upon Jesus--not himself–for his salvation, realizing that He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

Sam now desires to worship God and serve others because he in relationship with his Heavenly Father. Sam feels different inside because he is different. He is a child of God and his actions are now a result of this new life in Christ.

“Behold, all things have become new.”

The Christian “Game” is a thing of the past.

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A Tweet or a Psalm?

Psalm 22:22- “I will declare your name to my people; in the assembly I will praise you.”


One of my goals this year, has been to better understand—and even navigate—in the world of TWITTER.

I started out slowly by reading TWEETS.

Now that I am feeling comfortable with that, I am moving on to Replying to TWEETS.

Yesterday, I replied to a one that asked me to share my thoughts by completing this sentence: “I Like it When:” I clicked on the reply icon and wrote a few comments.

As I finished my Bible Study this morning, I was prompted to spend a few moments in praise. I decided to “phrase my praise” as “I Love it When:”

Here are a few I sent heavenward:

I Love it when a cool breeze blows on my face. Thank you, Lord, for cool breezes.

I Love it when I see a rainbow after a storm. Thank you, Lord, for your promise in the rainbow.

I Love it when God sends me a special verse of comfort or direction at just the right time. Thank you, Lord, for the truths in your Holy Word.

David’s Psalms were too lengthy to qualify as modern day Tweets. If he were living today, he’d probably choose to share his praises on Facebook or a website where he could expand his thoughts.

But, whatever the length, our God is Most Worthy of Praise! 

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