
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

Always Joyful

Philippians 4:4a- “Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord.

As a child, I always felt safe. I knew my parents were nearby and would take care of me.

When mother passed away two years ago, and Dad followed her eight months later, I felt an extreme loneliness.

Since then, Mother’s Day has been a bittersweet day for me. 

Yes, I have wonderful adult children who make the day special for me. Still, I experience sadness and find myself taking consolation in the scriptures.

I read verses about God being with me and not forsaking me. I know He is always with me. 

However, the verse I share today is especially comforting. It made me smile in the midst of my loneliness. 

I belong to the Lord and that fact brings me great joy.

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Father Knows Best

Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

We planned a trip with friends. 

They came down with colds.

Our daughter decided to “go” for her Doctorate.

Problems with her children took priority.

A friend wanted to become a foster parent.

A change in regulations disqualified her.

Changes in our plans are disappointing, but as Christians, we know that God has a plan for each of our lives—and it is His plan that is “best.”

I’ve found it easier not to be disappointed when my plans don’t work out, if I remember that God knows the circumstances surrounding my plans and what situations are just around the bend. 

Being about to see the past, present, and future—as well His knowing our hearts, desires, and motives—makes trusting Him easier. We can look forward to experiencing the very best He has for us.

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What Does the Cross Mean to You?

Isaiah 53:10- “It was the Lord’s will to crush Him.”

I have a “coffee table” book that I keep out and enjoy all year long, even though written with the “Easter Season” in mind.

Entitled, The Cross, author Max Lucado has done a phenomenal job with both the written and the pictorial presentation of the cross through the ages.

I agree with his statement that “No other image (in all of history) evokes such emotion.”

Compiled and published in 1998, it stirs my heart each and every time I read it.

On the cross, our creator and savior sacrificed himself for His creation. It was no accident. It was God’s plan… His choice… His will.

It was intentional and voluntary. An act of Grace. His plan of redemption.

John the Baptist called Jesus “The Lamb of God.” I call Him my Savior.

What does The Cross mean to you?

***Note, I will be taking the next 2-3 weeks to work on a home renovation. I will return to the keyboard the first of April. Easter Blessings, everyone!

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Do You Feel Powerless? Hopeless?

Psalm 68:35b- “The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people.”

Due to a powerful storm, our electricity was “off” most of the day. Not only did it make our vision difficult, without heat we were COLD. We could not cook, but luckily my husband is a snacker. That night we filled our stomachs with not-so-nutritious things to eat.

In church we had been talking about our all-powerful God, so the subject was already on my mind. What would my life be like if I no longer had His power to tap into?

Many times throughout the week, I experience His power in my life. Often, it is in response to prayer. Without knowing He would be there for me in difficult circumstances, without the assurance of Him being “in charge” of what is happening in the world, I would have no hope.

Is that how unbelievers must feel at times? Powerless. Hopeless?

Just knowing that, makes me want to share His Good News even more. How about you?

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A “Jesus Experience”

John 14:6- “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Last week I got a phone call from a friend who has spent the better part of seven decades in denial that Jesus exists. She told me, through many tears, that she had a “Jesus Experience” and now knows that Jesus is real.

You can guess at my rejoicing (I told her the angels in heaven rejoice when sinners come to salvation.) She said she had not yet been born again. She is simply acknowledging that Jesus is real. “Perhaps I will come to believe in him as my Savior. The jury is still out on that one.”

I am looking forward to meeting with her next week, hearing the story of her “Jesus experience,” and sharing the gospel with her. I praise God that she has taken the first step. 

Please pray that she will accept Jesus as the “way, the truth, and the life” and have an even greater experience when she becomes a child of God!

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Perfect Love

Romans 8:38, 39- “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Since this is Valentine’s week, I can think of no truer love to talk about than the love that God sent to us in the form of his son. No truer love than that which sent Jesus to the cross to die for our sins.

The Bible tells us that God IS love. He is the very essence of love.

As human beings, our minds and actions are motivated—at times—by so many emotions: sadness, jealousy, hate, kindness, empathy, anger, and so on. It’s hard to imagine what it would be like to have love be our only motivation.

Many people spend much of their time serving others, volunteering, donating money, and so on. These unselfish acts of human kindness are hard for some of us to fathom. Even more so, would be the giving of one’s life for another. 

I remember the awe I experienced as a youngster when I heard of Jesus’s love for me. I still am filled with wonder and amazement when I contemplate the depth of His love—his perfect love for all of us.

Let’s send God a valentine today. A prayer of gratefulness for His perfect and undying love!

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Take the First Step

Zechariah 4:10a: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” 

“I’m a failure,” Barbara’s son yelled out as he came through the door.
She ran from the kitchen, a spatula in her hand. “Sammy, what’s this all about?”

“I’m going to get an “F” in science. My experiment didn’t work.”

“We’ll ask Dad to help when he gets home. But I want you to know that a person is only a failure if he doesn’t try. You’ve worked hard on your project. You’re not a failure.”

Barbara might not have known it, but she was teaching Sammy a Biblical truth. The verse above demonstrates how God feels about people who put forth effort.

What in your life are you wanting to accomplish? What behavior are you wanting to change? What would you like to learn? 

Today, remember that the Lord is pleased when you take that first step.

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“Come, Follow Me”

Matthew 19-20: “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.”

I thought of my grandson when I read this verse. He graduated mid-year from high school and was struggling to know what to pursue in his life. (As you know, some kids follow their dreams from grade school on up. Others don’t have a clear idea of what they’d like to do until they are in college!)

When talking to his coach, he was encouraged to pray about a direction for his life. In addition, he gave my grandson some pamphlets about Christian colleges, and so on.

One of them caught his eye. It was WYAM and The University of Nations. Within less than a month, he’d signed up and flown to a training base in Kona. Now, he is preparing his heart, mind, and soul for service to others.

Our grandson is becoming a modern day “fisher of men.” 

His communications with us tell of learning from scripture and drawing close to the Lord. His joy is overflowing and we couldn’t be happier that he is following God’s leading for his life.

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The Meanings of 666 and 777

Revelation 13:16-18. “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”

Recently, someone asked me the significance of the numbers 666 and 777.

If you’ve ever wondered about these, keep reading.

The number 666, commonly known as the Mark of the Beast, serves as a warning about the consequences of rejecting God and following a path of sin and rebellion.

It is a reference to the end times (and many Bible scholars believe we are now living in that period of time) and the coming of the Antichrist who will lead a rebellion against God before the final judgment. He will require all people to take his mark. Those who don’t will not be able to buy or sell goods, among other things. 

Remember, 666 is man-centered… God-denying. It means  “never God, never God, never God,” whereas 777 is the divine number of God.

Triple sevens in scripture show something that has been divinely ordained is being perfectly fulfilled.

The number 7 has been significant throughout the Bible: God rested on the 7th day; the apostle John describes seven churches and seven spirits before God’s throne in Revelation 1:4; 777 is the number of the perfect Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the number emphasizes the importance of God’s work being completed perfectly in our world.

The message? Refuse the mark and stand up for God. Heaven is your reward.

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Worth the Wait

Hebrews 6:15- “And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”

Have you ever prayed fervently for something and—as yet—not have it come to pass?

Jen prayed that the “right” man would come along. For years, she prayed. But nothing happened.

Fast forward twenty-five years.

Jen connected with a nice man at her high school class reunion. They dated for awhile, but he ended up marrying someone else.

Ten more years went by.

Now retired, Jen became a volunteer at the county library where she met Hank. A nice guy. Funny and caring. Everything she’d hoped for—and more.

They married January 4, 2024.

When asked if he was worth waiting for, she answered an enthusiastic, yes!

God had answered both of their prayers—as he had been praying, too!!!

Like Abraham, Joseph, David, and Simeon, we find that waiting on God’s answers to prayer requires patience and faith. These men of the Bible persevered and trusted in God’s perfect timing even though they didn’t understand the wait.

The Lord’s plans for our lives are good. Patient waiting refines our character and glorifies God.

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