
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

Bringing Things Into Focus

2 Corinthians 5:7- “for we walk by faith, not by sight.”

My vision became progressively worse until my world took on a hazy glow.

I consulted my ophthalmologist. Cataract surgery was in order.

I actually looked forward to it. The thought of a brighter world—maybe even a world free of the glasses I had worn since sixth grade—was very appealing.

Within a few minutes of surgery, I was released from my foggy world. 

I think about times when I fail to see clearly the actions I should take and the decisions I should make. When I wrestle with the “why’s” and “how’s.”

Those are the times I go to God’s Word. I need His healing for my “spiritual eyes” bringing purpose and direction—a clear focus on what is important.,

One day, God will reveal all things to us. But for now, it is His Word that encourages and gives us insight. We can come before God with confidence, knowing that what we ask for aligns with His will as outlined in scripture.

Are you having trouble seeing the path ahead? Do you need someone to lead the way?

Surrender your own will to His and just follow. 

Walk by faith, not by sight.

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Spiritual Direction

Psalm 23:1-3  “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness, for His name’s sake.”

My husband loves to drive. 

I’d rather look at the scenery, read a good book, or recline my seat and take a little nap. 

Now and again, he’ll ask me to get the map out of his satchel and look for a certain road, landmark, or whatever. Often, he pulls over to the side of the road and interprets it for himself.

If we should happen to get lost (now really lost, you understand) and I suggest that we ask someone for directions, he gives me “the look.”

Why is it men are so against asking for directions? Think about how many hours could be saved and how many wrong turns could be avoided!

As Christians, we have an infallible source at our fingertips! God, who has always been in existence, knows the past, present, and future. With His Word as our “map” and His Holy Spirit as our Guide, we never have to face an uncertain future.

If we take a wrong turn, we can get back on the right path by heeding what scripture reveals to us as truth.

Confident and encouraged, with His help, we find our way.

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Start All Over

Have you ever wished you could start all over? Erase something you said to someone in anger? Go back to a point in time when you made a hasty choice resulting in an unplanned pregnancy? Wished you hadn’t told your parent a lie to avoid punishment? 

Have you wanted an opportunity to do it all over again— make a better choice the next time around? 

Even though God knows everything you have done, He is willing to forgive. To wipe your slate clean.

He sent Jesus, his perfect son, to the cross to pay the price for our sins. Without the shedding of His perfect blood, the relationship with us which God desires would not be possible.  

And freedom from the sins in our past would not be a reality.

By acknowledging His gift today, you can begin a relationship with Him that will continue throughout eternity.

Because He loves you UNCONDITIONALLY.

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Promises Made Good

Numbers 23:19- “God is not a man, that he should lie, Neither the son of man, that he should repent: Hath he said, and will he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and will he not make it good?”

“But you promised!” My daughter cried—and even stamped her tiny foot—as she yelled the words. Tears ran down her cheeks. Four years old and she already knew the meaning –and the heartbreak—of promises not kept!

Earlier in the week, she had asked me if she could have a friend over to swim on Saturday. I said that she could, not knowing that she’d come down with a terrible cold by Friday.

We cancelled her plans. And, even though done with good reason, to a small child it became a “broken” promise.

She lay in bed all day, Saturday, coughing and sneezing, with a sore throat and a fever. She slept with the new bright orange and yellow beach towel I had bought her as a reminder of my new promise to ask her friend over, again, for a swim when she felt better.

Sometimes we may not be able to keep our promises. However, scripture reminds us that God’s promises are true. We can count on them with 100% certainty.

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