
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

Is All That Glitters Really Gold?

Revelation 22:13 and 16b: “I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last…I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”

The young woman at the restaurant flashed her engagement ring to the five other young ladies seated at her table.

“It’s so HUGE! Is it real?” one girl asked.

“I didn’t know Dave had that much money,” another chimed in.

“I’d get it appraised, and then insured. In that order,” offered yet another guest.

In a world full of fake jewels, furs, purses—even flowers—conversations like this are not uncommon. The quest for what is real is an ongoing one. No one wants to be outwitted or fall for a counterfeit, a reproduction, a copy.

We all want the “real deal”, don’t we? We have an aversion to being duped.

So it is with people. We want to know that our friends are really our friends. That they don’t pretend to be our friends to our faces, and then talk about us behind our backs. We want to be able to depend on the fact that they are who they say they are.

The Bible tells us that we can be sure that Jesus is who He claims to be. That He cannot—and does not—ever lie. His Word assures us of who He is and that we can truly depend on Him to do what He says He will do. He keeps His promises. He never fails. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

One day, believers will meet Him in Heaven. We will see Him “face-to-face.”

We are not waiting to see a phony. We are looking forward to seeing our God, our Savior, our Lord. The true and Living Word…in all His Glory…our Bright and Morning Star!

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King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Philippians 2: 9-11  Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father.


In the popular movie, “Titanic”, Leonardo DiCaprio stands on the bow of the ship and shouts with outstretched arms, “I’m the King of the World!” If you’ve seen the movie, you can picture the huge smile on his face and relive those moments with him.

Of course, Leo wasn’t really “King of the World” any more than my husband was when he and his friends used to play “King of the Hill” in their neighborhood. However, one can imagine what a wonderful “mountaintop” experience it would be!

Let’s remember, in this season, the one true “King of the World”—Jesus. He came as a lowly babe, son of a carpenter. Yet, this beloved of the Father was given a name above all names. All hail, King Jesus!

The Bible tells us that some day in the future, every knee will bow before Him. He will ultimately be recognized by all human beings as “King Above All Kings and Lord Above All Lords.”

Isn’t it a miracle—above all miracles— that Jesus has taken up His abode in us? That we don’t have to wait for that “someday” in future, but can experience His presence in our lives today?

Let’s bow before Him. Crown Him “King of Our Lives.” Give Him the recognition He deserves.

Relive with the angels that exhilarating experience in the skies over the stable in Bethlehem. Along with the heavenly host, proclaim the birth of “The King of Kings!”


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What Do You Give the Man Who Has Everything?

Luke 2:13- “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!’”

It waits under the Christmas tree wrapped in delicate paper and adorned by a large bow trimmed in gold. The gift is mesmerizing.

What could be inside? You shake it, hoping its sound will give a clue as to the contents. You consider its size and shape, narrowing the possibilities.

You think of the things you included on your “Christmas List” and try to judge whether or not each item could possibly fit into a box of that size or shape. Still, you won’t be sure until you actually remove the paper and ribbon.

Yes, the giving and receiving of gifts is exciting.

I saw a television ad a few days ago, which asked, “What do you give the man who has everything?” I immediately thought of Jesus. Isn’t He the epitome of one who has everything? What kind of gift would He want? Another galaxy? A trillion more stars?

Some 2,000 years ago, Jesus left Heaven where He, literally had everything, to be born in a stable to earthly parents who had very little resources. What He wanted then—and what He still wants in the 21st Century—is a relationship with US.

He wants our love, our trust, and our praise! He wants to hear our voices lifted in adoration, or softly making petitions in prayer. He want us to hear His voice, too, as we wait on His answers, as we read His Word.

In this “Season of Giving”, remember along with me the ultimate gift—Jesus—the Savior wrapped not in a gold-trimmed bow, but in swaddling clothes. The Lord of All who gave it all—for you and me!

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Are You Looking For Him, Too?

Revelation 3:20–  “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

At nearly 90 years old, our friend, Paul, actually climbed a ladder to trim a large palm tree in his front yard! He slowly made his way to the top, one rung at a time. He stopped to rest, occasionally, peering out and over the ladder’s top, looking down at neighboring houses, and surveying nearby yards.

Comparatively, the sycamore tree Zacchaeus climbed in order to see Jesus as he traveled down the Jericho road, was not nearly as tall. But, it was high enough to give a man of ‘short stature’ a better view.

You most likely know the story. Jesus invited himself to dinner that night at Zacchaeus’s home and both he and his household were saved.

Zacchaeus had been looking for Jesus. Could it be perhaps, that you are looking for Him, too?

You won’t need to climb a tree to meet him, but like Zacchaeus, Jesus welcomes your invitation to let Him into your heart. In fact, scripture tells us that He stands at your heart’s door and knocks, and that if you open the door, He will come in!

His spirit will take up residence inside you. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. He’ll become your constant companion—your truest friend.

How about taking a look—upward?


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Can You Really “Cheat Death?”

Psalm 68:20– “God is the God of victories. The Almighty Lord is our escape from death.”

I saw an internet article last week about a celebrity who received a devastating cancer diagnosis two years ago, but is still alive, today! The headline said that she had “cheated death.”

Although I am certain that this person feels extremely grateful for an extended life, I am not sure that the reporter quite understood that people don’t really have any control over death. Sure, some things may prolong life, from our human viewpoint. Diet, exercise, prudence when operating machinery, driving a car, crossing a street, playing sports— all are examples of good judgment.

But, isn’t it true that only God knows the number of our days? Isn’t it God who determines when this earthly life is over for each of us? Can any of us really escape death?

The Bible says we can! To be specific, we all will die the death of the body at some point. But, God’s Word tells us that Jesus has swallowed up death in victory. When we put our trust in the salvation that Jesus offers, He promises that we will live with him for all eternity in Heaven.

So, in a very real sense, we can escape death—by putting our faith in the giver of life!


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