
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

The Perfection of the Number Seven

Romans 3:23For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”


The number seven has been my favorite number for a long time. I taught elementary school in Room 7 for quite a number of years. It had a string of beautiful overhead windows that were situated just right so the sunlight came through them, prism-like, every morning just prior to recess. It was also at the end of the hall, so it was always nice and quiet, making it easier on those who might find themselves distracted by outside noise. It also had an extra set of open-shelved cupboards in the corner. Yes, Room 7 was my favorite.

I have long known that the number 7 was used many times in the Bible, but did you know that it was used over 700 times?

Here are just a few significant uses of the number seven: 7 days of creation; Joshua marched around Jericho for 7 days; in Revelation, it speaks of the 7 angels, 7 trumpets, 7 seals, 7 bowls of wrath, 7 years of end time events, 7 as the number of completion and perfection. There are multiples of seven, such as Jesus told Peter to forgive “seventy times seven” and the Seventy Weeks of prophecy in Daniel.

777 is referred to as the perfect number of God, whereas 666 is a number representing the beast in Revelation 13:18 and 6 the number of man.

If God’s number is 7 and man’s is 6, then man always falls short, doesn’t he? No matter what he does, man cannot ever be a 7.

But, maybe man wasn’t ever created to be a 7 in the first place. (We’ve all heard the saying that man was created with a hole in his heart that only Jesus can fill). Maybe, just maybe, man was created needing a savior…someone who would stand with man, to complete man, when he stands before God.

We all fall short. We are all sinners.

But Christians have no fear of standing before the judgement seat of God because Jesus stands there with us.

The perfect 7.


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Do You Have a Life Coach?

John 15:15b: “I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.”



There was a time when the term “coach” was limited to sports. Usually, that meant a person who provided athletic training and instruction to a specific team by initiating practice sessions, evaluating performance, and giving feedback.

A business coach would be someone helping to settle disputes, suggest business strategies, etc.

A singing coach performs similar functions for vocalists; a writing coach teaches technique/style to would-be authors, and an exercise coach (trainer) encourages people to develop and adhere to exercise/diet routines.

Becoming popular, recently, is the life coach.  These instructors  are there to help people in school or social situations.  Two main areas are:

1) Academic coaching: Motivates, aids in developing resumes, and provides expertise in the area of employment.

2) Relationship coaching: Helps in dating etiquette, uncovering anxieties, decision making and so on. Think of this as expanded counseling. They serve as a sounding board, a confidant, or provide common sense advice—much like a good friend would.

The Bible tells us that Jesus is our friend…that he sticks closer than a brother…that he hears our prayers and is there to guide us along the road of life.

At any given time, it may be possible for us to benefit from any of the coaches, above. But, when we are downhearted, when we face problems that seem insurmountable, when we think there is no hope or no one who understands, the perfect life coach is the creator of life itself. 

His word tells us that He saw our unformed bodies in our mother’s womb and that he knew the number of our days before even one of them came to be.

He knows us. He knows what’s best for us.

The Bible says that we may make our plans, but it is He who directs our steps.

The almighty God wants to be our friend, wants us to come before Him with our requests. And, when we do, He promises to hear our prayers and provide guidance.

Who could be a better life coach than the One who knows you best of all?


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That’s Who He Is

2 John 1:3– Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

Ah, love.  It’s a great feeling, isn’t it?

When we are “in love,” we feel a certain way, which causes us to act in a more or less predictable manner. Perhaps we are more thoughtful, more giving, more…

You get the picture.

Love motivates us.                                  371032725_9c92f53032

But, although loving another person prompts us to show our love for them through our actions, our behavior toward those we don’t love isn’t motivated in the same way—if at all.

Such is the way of man.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we felt such love for everyone that we showed it in our actions toward all people… at all times?

That’s not possible, you say.

You’re right.

Left to our own devices…acting according to our own nature…we simply are not capable of experiencing—and acting in accordance—with that kind of all-encompassing love.

What about God?

The Bible says that God IS love.

His very essence is love. One hundred percent of Him. One hundred percent of the time.

Essence: the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something that determines its character… without which it would not exist or be what it is.

So, following the definition, God’s very nature is love and without it, He would not exist.

He is completely love…all of Him.

He’s not just loving in his actions to some people at some times (when He feels like it).

He’s not just motivated by it, as human beings are.


Only love can love…everyone…all the time.

It’s impossible to wrap our heads around that truth, isn’t it?

And, because He acts in accordance with his very essence, he cannot act in opposition to it.

He loves unconditionally because the pure essence of His love doesn’t depend on you and I—or our actions—at all.

Because that’s how He is.

That’s who He is.



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God Sent You a Valentine!

Romans 1:20- “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.”

In the very stars of heaven, God proclaims his great love for us.

God sent us a Valentine!!

His love knows no bounds. His message is written in His Word and in the heavenly bodies of the universe. That’s right!  They aren’t just beautiful creations of light hung there for our enjoyment. (Although that was certainly part of His intent).

They were, in fact, put there to tell God’s story of His love, and plan of redemption.

15651996037_80068decbe_mThis may be a new concept for you, but read on…

Quite some time ago, my mother-in-law gave me the most fascinating book by the late James Kennedy called, The Real Meaning of the Zodiac. It contains his well-documented research, as well as that of eight other well-known Bible scholars. It is an astounding account of God’s love.

The book was printed as a special TBN Edition in 1989 and one of their most requested publications ever. In it, Dr. Kennedy unfolds the timeless story of God’s love—His Gospel in the stars.

The Bible tells us that He called all of the stars “the host of heaven,” that He numbered them, ordered them, and set them in the firmament to be signs. (Although their original meaning has been corrupted into something counterfeit by astrologers.)

His marvelous masterpiece, the art gallery of God, depicts the message of redemption revealing to man the account of the coming, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

That’s right. The way of salvation is revealed beautifully for us in the heavens!

Dr. Kennedy begins the explanation of the true Zodiac with Virgo, or the Virgin and the birth of the incarnate Son of God. He continues the “great celestial preaching of the Gospel” with the other eleven signs, ending with Leo, The Lion, which depicts Christ’s victory over sin, the world, and Satan.

By citing specific scripture for each sign, Dr. Kennedy reminds us that God has done all of this so that we might know of God’s love…that we might know His son as our savior, and so that the glory of Jesus and his redemption might fill our hearts with wonder and praise.

He loves me. He loves you.

He has told us so in His Word, in the heavens, and by sending us the gift of salvation through his son, Jesus.

May you never look at the night sky in quite the same way again.

It is His Valentine to mankind.


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Deuteronomy 28:12– “…The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands.”


The director raises his hands high above his head, out to the side, makes a circle with his fingers, holds his hands tight in front of him—a variety of signals to the choir, telling them how he wants them to sing. Loud or soft. Words to emphasize. When to hold a note… Every movement of his hands means something.


An audience applauds to show appreciation for a performance.


A lady uses sign language. A child watches intently, then uses his hands to communicate in return. Fingers fire rapidly, back and forth, as they “talk” to one another. The transference of  thoughts and feelings between two human beings.


A student raises his hand in class. The teacher calls on him. There is an interchange—perhaps a question answered—and then back to work. A system of recognition and classroom organization.


A volunteer touches the shoulder of patient in a wheelchair. The elderly man looks up with eyes of gratitude. Off they go for a “walk” down the hall of an adult care center.


A wife brings her husband a hot cup of coffee as he reads the newspaper.


A young girl pets her dog. He licks her face.


A grandmother teaches her granddaughter how to stitch a quilt.


People in church raise their hands during worship, reflecting their praise and devotion to the Lord.


They offer love, help, and praise. They communicate an individual’s caring heart. They serve others.

The Bible says that hands were created for good things and He will bless acts of kindness and service done with our hands. It doesn’t matter if they are the hands of a young child or the crippled hands of a ninety-year-old senior citizen.

His nail-scarred hands should be our example.



photo credit: <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/130333033@N08/17771265060″>IMG_0055</a&gt; via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a&gt; <a href=”https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/”>(license)</a&gt;

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