
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

The Cup

Luke 22:42 (NIV) “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

From the standpoint of a human being, the prayer Jesus prayed in the garden prior to His crucifixion was very understandable. He knew the pain and anguish He was about to suffer. He prayed that God would spare Him.

What about you? Have you ever prayed that God would spare you from some physical illness, uncomfortable confrontation, or punishment of some kind?

Maybe the pain or embarrassment was just too much to bear, so you asked God to somehow change or correct the situation so that you wouldn’t have to endure it. But, had you considered that there might be some good that might come out of your suffering? That maybe God would use its outcome for your best interest or to teach someone else as they listen to your story?

Jesus knew that it would only be by His death and resurrection that God’s plan of redemption for mankind could take place. He prayed that He would not have to drink of the cup God had prepared for him, but He also knew that we needed to be forgiven—made right with God—so He deferred to God’s will.

We each may very well have a cup to drink. Although our life situations may be different, it is only as we bow to God’s will that we can realize the blessing He has for us. He is able to turn your suffering into rejoicing as you come to Him.

Someone’s cup may be the death of a treasured friend. For another, it might be the unfaithfulness of a spouse. Still others may face caring for a child with a terminal illness.

Whatever it is, we can know this: our Savior knows our pain. He loves us so much that He drank the cup of crucifixion for us. But the good news is that God turned His suffering into rejoicing as He raised Him from the grave, victorious over death.

As God turned Jesus’ cup into the salvation for all men who will come to Him, He is fully capable of turning your cup into something good for you and those you love.


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Who Has Seen the Wind?

Hebrews 11:1Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

I can still remember the words to a poem my class recited at Parent’s Day when I was in the first grade:

Who has seen the wind?

Neither you, nor I.

But when the trees bow down their heads

The wind is passing by.

The wind chimes on my patio are ringing loudly this afternoon, leaves are falling from the trees, and my hair looks like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket. I cannot see it, but I know the wind is to blame.

I can’t see God either, but I know he is here. He lets me know with each sunrise, each rainbow, each sunset. I see his message to me in the stars, the laughter of a child, the wrinkles on my mother’s face.

But there’s more. He speaks to me as I pray and as I read his Word. He is not only here, but he is active as he works the things of this earthly life together for my good.

His Word tells me that He is here and, by faith, I believe this to be true. What is faith? It is believing in someone or something even though we cannot see it with our eyes. But, wait, more good news: God’s Word tells us that one day our faith with turn into sight!

So, will we be able to see the wind? Maybe. Maybe not.

But what He is talking about is the fact that we believe in God now, by faith, because we do not see Him with our human eyes. He promises that there will come a day when we will see Him face to face. What was once faith, will then become sight.

He who was invisible will become visible. Our eyes will be opened and we will see Him in Heaven as he is: our glorious and Holy Lord.


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Lost and Found

Jeremiah 29:13- You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Some years ago, a friend of mine told me a heartbreaking story. Her daughter and boyfriend had put an ad in the paper, hoping to sell a car. A person from a city about two hours away from them answered the ad, asking that they deliver the car to him, personally, the following weekend. The young couple drove to meet with the prospective buyer, never to be heard from again.

I could hear the anguish in my friend’s voice and I saw the pain on her face as she told of the many years of searching that followed, the sleepless nights, the tears shed. Where could they be? What could have happened?

Finally, a few weeks ago—after thirteen years—the police notified my friends that they believe they have found the person(s) responsible for this crime. As parents, their pain is still overwhelming but they are relieved to have some answers and a measure of closure.

What must it be like to search for a missing child or family member? What happens when hope wains? What is it like to expend energy day after day handing out flyers, searching the streets—the countryside—with no real guarantee of finding a loved one?

Fortunately, God’s Word promises that everyone who seeks Him will find Him. Prayer and reading the scriptures—the Bible—are the places to start. Begin with the book of John. Ask God to help you understand the meaning of His words. Ask a Christian friend to walk alongside you as you begin your search. Find a church that teaches the Word of God and begin attending regularly. Let God speak to you through the songs and the teaching. Talk to the Pastor.

Seek God. You won’t spend years and years of searching, ending in disappointment. You can know God today.

I’m praying for you!


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Looking Beyond Present Circumstances

Hebrews 12:2– fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Both of our children had several recurring cases of planter’s warts when they were youngsters. The removal from the soles of their feet was very painful. After they had been through it once, each subsequent time they begged me not to make them go to the doctor.

I’d explain to them that although uncomfortable, the procedure would bring about the desired result. Once healed, their feet would no longer be tender to walk on. After several minutes of encouragement, they’d wipe away their tears and head for the car.

Once in the doctor’s office, a resurgence of the initial fear would often take place. That’s when I’d hold their hand and talk them through the operation. A few days later, they’d be playing outside again. The memory of the surgical procedure was already a thing of the past.

Have you ever put off a medical appointment because you thought the treatment would have been too painful, avoided having a conversation you felt might threaten a friendship or delayed making a decision that was just too difficult?

Jesus could identify with those feelings. He faced a painful death on the cross. However, he looked ahead to the salvation of mankind and endured the anguish. It was the only way to get the desired result.

There are times in life when the pain of the present must be endured in light of the promise of better days, better health, better circumstances to come in the future. The good news is that we will not have to go it alone. Jesus will be beside us all the way—guiding, encouraging, healing.

He was here. He knows what it is like to be human. But he also knows what it is like to be God. He doesn’t just hold our hands. He holds us in his hands.

He gives us the promise of a wonderful future because he was willing to look beyond his present circumstances and ahead to that glorious day when he will welcome his children into his kingdom—where he will sit at the right hand of God, to the glory of The Father!



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What’s In the Bucket?

1 John 5:11b-13: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.  13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.

My husband and I saw a rather intense movie this afternoon. We rode home in quiet contemplation, each of us lost in our own thoughts.

When we arrived home, he went outside to do yard work and I grabbed my shopping list and headed to the car for my weekly trip to the grocery store.

As was just about to pull away from the house, when my husband walked up to me with a bucket in his hand. “Guess what is in this bucket?” He held it out toward me. “Go ahead, look.” He smiled and gestured for me to come closer.

Hunkered down in the corner was a brown baby bunny! My heart soared and my tenseness faded away. This precious example of new life changed my countenance in an instant!

What is it about new life that lifts our spirits…give us hope?

The Bible says that we can have a new life, in Christ, when we acknowledge Him as our Savior and accept His forgiveness of our sins.

Our hearts will soar when we give up the things of the past—the sins that weigh so heavily on us—and let Jesus claim the victory over them!

Romans 6:14 says that sin will no longer have dominion over us, but instead we will have newness of life.

May the God of all hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him. (Romans 15:13)


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