
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

Who Is Your First Love?



Matthew 22:37, 38-Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”


God’s Word says that He is to be our first love.

We hear it from the pulpit, Christian radio, conferences, missionaries. 

We hear it in Sunday school and from our parents.

I saw this somewhere on the internet awhile back. (It didn’t give credit to anyone, so I apologize that I cannot do so, here, either). It is a great way to remember this principle:

F – finances

I  – Interests

R – relationships

S – schedule

T – troubles

We are to give Him the pre-eminence above all others. 

First in our thoughts and hearts.

We are to elevate Him in our lives to the highest place…Make Him first in our hearts, souls, minds, and strength.

“And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the first born from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.” Colossians 1:18


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The Cross Was No Accident

Night view of Antigua, Guatemala from "Cerro de la Cruz"

John 3:16- “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”


The Cross.

For Christians, the symbol of hope.

The death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation through the forgiveness of sins for all who believe.

The cross was no accident. 

His great love motivated the Creator to sacrifice His Son.

We have painted them, gold-plated them, encrusted them with jewels, decorated our walls with them, worn them around our necks…

What is it that draws our hearts to the cross?

The Bible says that we love Him because He first loved us.

I think we are drawn to the cross because it is there that He showed us the extent of His pure, unconditional, unending, indescribable love.

No, the cross of Christ wasn’t lovely. It was “rugged” as the old hymn describes it. Built with rough, splintered wood that was held together by crude nails.

Christ was nailed to it and died the death of a common criminal. How unbelievable He would do this for you and for me.

Yet, Jesus welcomed the cross. He had planned this moment from the beginning. It had all come down to this.

But the cross was no more the end for Jesus than it is for us. 

Coming to the cross with Thanksgiving for the love that put Him there, rejoicing at the open tomb announcing His resurrection, leaving our sin there and following Christ.

That’s just the beginning. 

Let’s celebrate it today. 

He is worthy of all praise. Crown Him with many crowns. Lord of Lords. King of Kings.

The precious  Lamb of God. 


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In The Midst of Devastating Loss



2 Corinthians 1:3-4  “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts using all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 

It happened at a fourth of July barbecue. 

Gerald was holding his daughter while he visited with Tom. As he got engrossed in their conversation, he didn’t notice when little Tina wriggled from the safety of his arms.

Minutes later, she was face down in the swimming pool.

Gerald loved his daughter. He had been entrusted with the the child’s safety, but he had failed to keep her from harm.

Why did God allow this to happen?

This is one of those questions that both Christians and non-christians ask in the midst of devastating loss.

There is no easy answer. 

After all, we reason, what good could possibly come from the death of a youngster—a little one with all of life ahead of them?

While saying, “God took her home” or “It’s all in God’s timing,” may be true, family and friends still have to deal with untimely loss—and, often—anger toward God.

God understands our feelings. He wants us to voice them to Him. He has also provided in His Word, encouragement for us when we experience the worst of times.

Gerald found many verses in the Bible that comforted him and his wife during the days following Tina’s death, but the verse I share with you, today, is one that he read many months later when he was called on to comfort a co-worker that lost a child in a car accident.

When he read this verse, Gerald realized that because of his loss and the comfort God gave him, he was then able to comfort a friend and, eventually, lead the friend to Christ!

We may not know, specifically, why tragedies happen at the time they occur, but as children of God, we can demonstrate His comfort and enduring love for others.


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The Perfect Name



A recent survey reveals that a high percentage of people regret what they named their child.

I can see why, can’t you?

Naming children after fruit, old movie titles, or using inventive spellings…

God’s son, Jesus, was given the name above all other names. A name at which one day every knee shall bow.

God won’t regret the name He chose because it is

The perfect name

For God’s perfect son.