
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

What Does the Cross Mean to You?

Isaiah 53:10- “It was the Lord’s will to crush Him.”

I have a “coffee table” book that I keep out and enjoy all year long, even though written with the “Easter Season” in mind.

Entitled, The Cross, author Max Lucado has done a phenomenal job with both the written and the pictorial presentation of the cross through the ages.

I agree with his statement that “No other image (in all of history) evokes such emotion.”

Compiled and published in 1998, it stirs my heart each and every time I read it.

On the cross, our creator and savior sacrificed himself for His creation. It was no accident. It was God’s plan… His choice… His will.

It was intentional and voluntary. An act of Grace. His plan of redemption.

John the Baptist called Jesus “The Lamb of God.” I call Him my Savior.

What does The Cross mean to you?

***Note, I will be taking the next 2-3 weeks to work on a home renovation. I will return to the keyboard the first of April. Easter Blessings, everyone!

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Do You Feel Powerless? Hopeless?

Psalm 68:35b- “The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people.”

Due to a powerful storm, our electricity was “off” most of the day. Not only did it make our vision difficult, without heat we were COLD. We could not cook, but luckily my husband is a snacker. That night we filled our stomachs with not-so-nutritious things to eat.

In church we had been talking about our all-powerful God, so the subject was already on my mind. What would my life be like if I no longer had His power to tap into?

Many times throughout the week, I experience His power in my life. Often, it is in response to prayer. Without knowing He would be there for me in difficult circumstances, without the assurance of Him being “in charge” of what is happening in the world, I would have no hope.

Is that how unbelievers must feel at times? Powerless. Hopeless?

Just knowing that, makes me want to share His Good News even more. How about you?

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