
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

The Truth About Sleep


Proverbs 2:9-  “Then you will understand what is right and good, and right from wrong, and you will know what you should do.”




Ah, sleep. Children fight it. Adults can’t seem to get enough of it.

I remember when I was a young adult (in the days before children) I used my entire day on Sundays to catch up on rest so I could make it through another week.

We all need the physical benefits of getting enough sleep.

But, sometimes sleeping can get us into trouble. “Sleeping on the job” can get us fired. And the Bible talks about the dangers of “being asleep”–in other words, not being aware of what is going on around us or recognizing things as being true or false…good or evil…

There are certain tabloids that we all probably recognize as being untrustworthy as far as reporting social news with accuracy. But information in other books and periodicals may be more difficult to discern. Over time, we come to know which sources are truthful and which may warrant skepticism.

In the area of the spiritual, we can always trust the Bible. Its “reporters” were 100% accurate because they were inspired by The Holy Spirit. God chose them carefully and all of the events, words of comfort, and instructions to us were written just as He intended because

He doesn’t want us to be asleep. He wants us to be aware…

To know such things as the dangers of temptations, our opportunity to approach Him in prayer, and how to pursue a relationship with Him.

To learn about the consequences of denying Christ his rightful place in our lives…

To experience the benefits of lives yielded to Him.

Next time you’re physically sleepy, consider taking a power nap.

But, when you feel spiritually sleepy, how about reading God’s Word for a few minutes, followed by praises for the Author and Finisher of our faith?


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What Can You Do In Eight Seconds?

Philippians 4:8- Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


The average attention span is 8 seconds. My pastor used that fact as an illustration in his sermon last week.

Hum, I thought. Must be why my husband channel surfs so much…

But, seriously, 8 seconds isn’t very long.

Or is it?

I challenged myself to think of ten things—productive, worthwhile things—I could do if I only had 8 seconds before my mind started to wander:

1- I can make the bed.

2- I can text my son “xoxoxoxoox”

3- I can scratch my dog behind the ears.

4- I can say a short prayer for a friend.

5- I can wave at a neighbor and wish him a good day when I take my garbage can to the curb.

6- I can take my husband a glass of iced tea while he works in the yard.

7- I can send a “Thinking of You” e-card to my sister.

8- I can send a Facebook Friend request—or accept one.

9- I can remind a grandchild that Jesus loves them.

10- I can meditate on an encouraging Bible verse, like the one above.

Eight seconds might be just long enough to make a difference in your life, or in the lives of others.

Care to share your list?

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The Book is Always Better

2 Timothy 3:16- All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.


You may have watched the television movie event, THE BIBLE.

Every year, near Easter, my husband settles down to watch the classic movie, The Ten Commandments.

Recently, we saw the movie version of a best-seller novel.

No matter what the subject matter, I always hear people say, “The movie wasn’t nearly as good as the book.”

Of course, there are many reasons for this. The story must be shortened because it would take too many hours for the movie version to tell the entire story in detail; some scenes are made more exciting, some more visually appealing; endings may be changed to allow for the possibility of a sequel, some are just better played out in a slightly different way, or perhaps the director simply didn’t like the original writer’s ending…

The story gets muddied a little, the ending is tweaked just so.

And then there are movies that are “Based on True Life Events”, which differ from those claiming to be “Inspired by True Events”.

In the first instance, some names may be changed, but the story should stick close to the way things happened. The second, however, uses real events to create a fictional story and so are not held accountable for an accurate portrayal of characters and events.

We don’t have to worry about any of these things when we read God’s Word, the Bible, however. It is most certainly accurate. It is what it claims to be: the infallible, inerrant, Word of God. We can trust it. Learn from it. Be comforted and strengthened by it.

Yes. The Book is always better.

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Psalm 121:1-3

 I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.


“Help!” cried Jonah from the belly of the whale.

“Someone help us!” screamed the miners trapped miles beneath the earth in Chile.

“Help, somebody, help!” yelled the couple who careened off the road and landed at the bottom of the canyon.

“Honey, can you tie my shoes for me?” asked my husband—very reluctantly—after recent rotator cuff surgery.

We all need help at one time or another. Men, I’m told, are the most reluctant to ask for help…the most unwilling to accept it, too.  And, it usually doesn’t happen until they are up against the wall, with nowhere else to turn.

Finally, they manage to get the dreaded word out.


It is a wise person who knows when to ask for help, but an even wiser one who knows who to ask.

King David wrote many Psalms to the Lord. In many of them, he cried out to God for help. In others, he thanked the Lord for answering his cries and bringing help when he needed it.

His Psalms have been a source of comfort to countless people over the years. In them, he shares his inability to conquer his troubles and defeat his enemies, on his own.

Wisely, he relied on God for help.

Some of the problems we face today are very similar to those of this mighty king in the Bible: illness, adultery, deceitfulness, the death of loved ones…

We learn from God’s Word that there are no problems too big, or too difficult, that He cannot handle.

Whatever the situation we face today, we can be assured that when we cry out for help, He hears us.

David knew who to go to when he needed help.

When we find ourselves lacking the ability or strength to correct our situations, let’s remind ourselves of the truth in God’s Word.

God is here for us, today, just as he was for King David.

The God of the universe…the maker of heaven and earth…the Savior of the world wants to be the one we call on in times of trouble, too.

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