
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

What Was God Thinking?

Psalm 96:12- “Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.”

I saw a television host recently, wearing a blazer which one might describe as a modern day “coat of many colors.”

Although I didn’t really like this guy’s choice of color combinations, it got me thinking about how dull our world would be without the vibrant pinks, blues, and yellows. 

Thank God for the beautiful colors He has given us in sunsets, flowers, rainbows, oceans, eyes, birds, and so on. Artists use them to weave beautiful fabrics, paint breathtaking landscapes.

The sheer beauty of color. 

It speaks to our innermost being. Affects our mood, lifts our spirits, provides energy, conveys love and appreciation.

What was God thinking when He created color?

Like everything else in creation, He was thinking of you and me. His Word says that He created the world and all that is in it for our good pleasure.

Every time the moon rises, flowers bloom, or a rainbow appears, God is painting a huge love picture for us. 

When life gets tough and you wonder if God has forgotten you, take that glass of iced tea to the backyard. Observe nature. Thank Him for the sights, sounds, and smells of creation. 

Relax, knowing that He loves you with an everlasting love. 

From the beginning, as He hung the stars in the heavens and spoke the earth into existence, He was thinking of you.

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See the Blessing

Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

“Three years? Perhaps longer?”

Last month our son told us his family was moving to Germany where our daughter-in-law had accepted a position with the Department of Defense.

We had known about the job application. The possibility of them relocating. We’d even prayed that God’s will, not ours, would come to pass. And we really did want the very best for them. 

Still, the news devastated us.

My husband and I had just completed renovating a small condo near them. Four hours away from our home in Arizona.

We had looked forward to living part time near them and bonding with our newborn grandson. Now it looked like our dreams were only that. Dreams.

In the following weeks, they prepared for their move. Packing, selling many of their belongings, saying goodbye to family and friends.

Last March, God had led us to purchase the condo. We were so sure He wanted us to spend time with our son and family. Were we wrong?

No! We have come to realize that God blessed us in incredible ways. We had the resources to make the purchase, do renovations (which my husband and I love to do) and even bring us new friends in the process.

God knew that the sweet little family that we love so much would be leaving. He chose to bless all of us—ahead of time—with precious moments spent together. Times that have allowed us to form a close bond that will sustain us while we are apart.

Are you wondering where God is in all of the circumstances of your life? Ask Him to show you His hand of blessing… His plan for your future. 

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Take a Deep Breath

Proverbs 21:31b- “…victory rests with the Lord.”

At the end of the day, do you feel beaten down and dejected?

Do politically-charged events cause you stress?

Have you decided to keep the television—especially news channels—turned off for awhile due to divisive commentaries?

This constant state of unease and disruptiveness is NOT what God desires for us.

He wants us to rest in the knowledge that ultimately the victory will be His.

Take a deep breath. Go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful new day He has made. 

Trust Him for the outcome that will work out His plan for us as individuals and the world at large.

His Word says He is faithful. 

He will do it.

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Please Pray

Psalm 36:6B- “…You, Lord, preserve both people and animals.”

Driving down the highway this morning, fifteen miles from Wickenberg, our dog somehow opened the window of the truck and jumped out. We stopped as quickly as we could and searched the desert to no avail.

Our Tobias, the Australian Shepherd and Border Collie mix we rescued on December 26th is gone.

We are broken-hearted and, of course, our minds are imagining the worst of all circumstances.

As soon as we arrived home, I searched the scriptures, finding comfort in the verse from Psalm 36.

Would you please keep my husband and I in your prayers as there is always the inevitable questioning which accompanies situations like this, such as “What more could we have done?”; “What, if anything, can we do to bring him home safe and sound?” 

Our prayer is that our dog will somehow turn around, flee the desert, and find water, shade, and someone to help him. We put him in God’s hands, asking Him to preserve Tobias and keep him safe on the desert tonight.

Thank you for your prayers.