
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

Realigning Our Priorities


Hebrews 13:5- “Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.”


Callie’s husband, Marc, was recently given a promotion.  Along with it came a sizable increase in salary. So much so that they could afford to move out of the lower-middle class neighborhood and into an exclusive Country Club home on the golf course.

This was a dream come true for the middle-aged couple that had struggled to make ends meet for such a long time.

It wasn’t long before they were settled in their new luxury home. Callie loved the beautiful new furniture and the couple enjoyed relaxing by their lagoon-style pool and entertaining new neighborhood friends.

One day, Marc came home to find Callie crying and distraught. “I thought I would be happy. But, I’ve been lying to myself, to you, and to God. I feel so ashamed. I’d read scripture enough times to know better, but somehow I thought we were the exception. We had all we needed before, but I kept wanting more and more.”

Marc nodded. “I feel the same way. This life is so superficial. I haven’t experienced one day of true joy since we moved here. Let’s pray for God’s forgiveness and then His direction in what to do.”

The story of Callie and Marc is all too common. Just as parents often must let their children learn things “the hard way,” God often teaches us in similar manner.

And, like our children, when we learn the hard lessons of life for ourselves, we are often capable of encouraging others when we see them making comparable choices, rather than relying on God’s promises.

When Callie and Marc’s priorities were realigned with God’s purposes, they starting a non-profit with their increased income.

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Suit Up!



Ephesians 6:10-13 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”


Wanda Sue Maxey said: “There isn’t a mask big enough to protect us from everything going on in the world today. We need to suit up with the whole armor of God.”

Of course, we should follow the mask and social distancing mandates. But God has given us all we need to withstand the assaults of satan.

Why live in fear that we will touch something or be around someone who will put us in harm’s way?

God has called us to be bold, speak in truth and share His Word.

He has given us- 

THE BELT OF TRUTH: The truth about who we are in Christ. Jesus is the Truth that sets us free. We must let God’s Word guide our prayers. Memorize verses so we can recall them quickly when we need their encouragement and direction.

THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS:  Christ’s righteousness protects our hearts. Scriptural truths help us to walk in the Lord’s will. We should ask someone we trust to pray for us when we struggle with obedience.  

THE GOSPEL OF PEACE:  The gospel is the Good News, the forgiveness of sins and access to God through faith in Christ. Satan wants us to worry, but oneness with the Lord produces peace. It keeps our feet anchored and standing firm.

THE SHIELD OF FAITH: Roman soldiers dipped their shields covered with animal hide. into water so when fiery darts hit them, the wet hide would extinguish the darts. A Christian’s shield of faith needs to be regularly dipped in the water of God’s Word. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” We must set our faith on God’s character, not on circumstances.

THE HELMET OF SALVATION: Salvation comes the moment we place our trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection as the payment for our sin. But salvation is also worked out through a lengthy process of sanctification when we allow Him to work in every part of our thoughts. The enemy fights for strongholds in our minds. Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT:  “When we are tempted, the most effective weapon that God has given believers is the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. When the devil tempts us, we need to respond with the Truth of God’s Word. 

Let’s put on the Whole Armor of God and walk in the fullness of His Grace.


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A Thought for Today


Ephesians 2: 4,5- “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”


My sixth grade teacher wrote a “Thought for the Day” on the chalkboard every morning. I loved reading them and started a notebook of “sayings/quotes.”

It became a habit of mine to copy them down each day, so no small wonder that I have continued to do that as I see things in print. I always write down the source of the quote, knowing I might need to give credit to someone for their thoughts one day.

However, next to the one I’d like to share with you, I wrote only Sam. To my embarrassment, there is no last name. (So, Sam, whoever you are. My apologies. And, my thanks for these thoughts).

Sam told a story about a man who had achieved acclaim in a certain area. He was asked to give a speech to his colleagues. 

A friend remarked that the turnout that evening had been overwhelming because this man was special to so many people.

“No,” the man answered. “It’s not because I am special that they are here. It’s because they are special that I am here.” 

I drew the parallel right away. 

Long before anyone reading this blog was born, Almighty God, in the person of Jesus, came to earth to save each of us (by the shedding of His blood) from the consequences of our sin and offer us eternal life.


He came because we are special to Him.

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Did You Know?

Bestseller book cover lg

I Corinthians 10:31- “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”


Have you been reading Spiritual Snippets each week, unaware that I am an author of Christian Fiction?

My first book, Runaways, the Long Journey Home, was based on a recurring dream. I consider that book, and the four that have come after it, as opportunities to declare the love and forgiveness of Jesus.

Authors bear tremendous publishing and marketing expenses. The revenue from book sales is what keeps us afloat.

These summer months, with Covid keeping many of us inside, have been the perfect opportunity for new readers to experience just how exciting Christian Fiction can be. 

Here is the book description of Runaways from my Amazon Book page:

No Mama. An abusive father. A dog for a best friend.

Ten-year-old Jake runs away from his remote Appalachian home in the dead of winter.

He and Hound, face freezing temperatures and near starvation as they travel through mountainous terrain.

And, they narrowly escape Father as he tracks them with the very rifle he used to kill Sam and Mama.

Then, when Jake hears about God’s unconditional love for him, he is confronted with the biggest decision of his life:

Will he keep running…

Or face his father?

**All of my books are available on Amazon, Kobo, or at the Barnes and Noble order desk. Formats: paperback, e-book, and Audible. You can find out more about me on my two websites:  www.spiritualsnippets.com and www.brendacpoulosauthor.org   

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Have You Heard It All Before?


Proverbs 1:5- “let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance—”


When Nancy heard the door open, she pushed herself to a sitting position from the sofa where she slept waiting for her son’s safe return.

She glanced at her watch. One o’clock. 

He had overstayed his curfew again. 


“Not now, Mom. I’ve heard it all before.”

“That’s the problem, son. You hear me speaking, but you don’t really listen. Listening requires that you not only receive the sound, but you also understand my words.”

Many times I have felt the same way when hearing a sermon.

I may have heard the Biblical account before…even read it myself multiple times over the years. 

Then, one day, a word or phrase stands out. Perhaps there is a different emphasis. A unique illustration of a major concept or theme.

And then…


it has a new, deeper meaning as I listen to the message God has for me.

When I open myself to not just hearing, but listening, I am able to gain more understanding.

God’s Word blesses my soul.

As I listen, He speaks to my heart.



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