
Seeing life's events in the light of God's Word.

Is Your Heart Troubled?




                                          John 14:1a- “Let not your hearts be troubled…”


One of the talk shows I watch regularly ends with this encouragement from the scriptures: “Let not your hearts be troubled.” 

The need for solace and peace is abundantly clear as each day’s news is presented and analyzed.

Couple that with our own personal problems and no wonder more people suffer from anxiety.

A mound of bills to pay, family relationships falling apart, health issues.

So how do we find true peace in these uncertain times?

First, rely on the Holy Spirit to bring us peace…the deep peace within that knows God is in control; not the peace that we feel we can create ourselves because that peace doesn’t last.

Second, rely on the encouragement of the scriptures and other believers. Renew our thoughts and minds, speaking the words aloud in moments of apprehension.

Thirdly, pray right away when the need arises. And keep praying throughout the day. Pour out your fears to Jesus. Lay your burdens at his feet. And, once you feel your anxieties lift, resist the desire to take them back up again and worry about them. 

Claim victory over them in the name of Jesus Christ.



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Too Wonderful for Words



Psalm 145:5– “They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works.”


One of my favorite songs, growing up, was from an old movie I saw on a Saturday afternoon as I babysat for the neighbors.

Once I got the kiddos down for their naps, I turned on the television. I’ve long since forgotten who sang the song, but this young teenage girl swooned at the words, “You’re just too wonderful. Too wonderful for words.”

These words apply to human (and perhaps idealistic) love, but let’s see how they apply to our Lord and Savior.

Besides today’s verse in Psalms, other verses use synonyms for wonderful: marvelous, glorious, awesome—to describe Him:

Job 37:5– “God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.”

Psalm 111:3– “Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever.”

Psalm 47:2– “For the Lord Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth.”

The Bible tells us that God is our “first love” worthy of our love and praise. So, as you worship Him today, let’s tell Him that He is marvelous, glorious, awesome, and “too wonderful for words.”


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Hiding God’s Word in Our Hearts



Psalm 119:11- Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.


The Bible says scripture is more desirable than gold and sweeter than honey. Each page is filled with eternal truth and wisdom. So what is the value of memorizing God’s Word?

1- The deeper we know God, the deeper we know his will for us.

2-The Word has power! If you are fighting against a specific sin, hiding God’s Word in your heart will help you overcome temptation.

3-Keeping Scripture at the forefront of our minds helps us receive spiritual transformation from Almighty God.

4-Having God’s Word fresh in our minds, will help us avoid temptation.

5-The Word will bring us hope and greater communion with God.

6-Scriptures help us understand the heart and desires of God.

7- When we memorize Scripture, we can readily share the salvation message with unbelievers and help them understand their sin and need for a Savior.

8-The Bible is a book of tremendous wisdom that can have an impact on every area of our lives. By memorizing Scripture we are able to have wisdom with us at all times.

9-When we have verses committed to memory, we can more easily encourage other believers in the truth.

Let’s challenge ourselves to memorize just one verse each week. Start with short verses that “speak” to us, and gradually work our way up to more challenging ones. God will honor our commitment by blessing us with a closer walk with him.



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Growing Our Faith


Romans 10:17- “…faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”

The subject of faith came up in our Bible Study Group this week.

How does one get faith? How does one grow faith?

The answer was surprisingly simple. 

Romans tells us that first we need to hear the word of God. (This plants the seed of faith in our hearts).


There are two main ways: 1) We hear it preached from the pastor’s pulpit  and/or 2) We hear it as we read the Bible.

Then, we need to take care of that seed—help it grow.

Don’t overlook the word “hearing.”  

As a teacher, I know that when students memorize something, it is an immense help if it is repeated out loud. That way, it gets into their brains using both visual AND auditory senses.

Pray that God will increase your faith as you follow these two principles. 

Next week, we will talk about the value of memorizing scripture.

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